Friday 24 August 2012


M U H A M M A D 
sallallaho alaihi wasallam

Our leader, the messenger of Allah sallallaho alaihi wasallam  was the most perfect with excellent qualities. May we learn from him and follow his steps so that Allah swt will love us. We should remember that:-
He was always cheerful and smiled at everyone he met.

He was the most truthful and  polite, he never uttered a lie nor any harsh word.

He did not shout in the market place and was very refined in his behaviour, he always wore neat clothes.
He treated everyone with love, respect and kindness, he took great care of his guests.

He was patient, he was thankful and always remembered Allah swt.

He did not return evil for evil but was glad to forgive and forget, he prayed for the guidance of his enemies.
He did not lay his hands on anybody except in the way of Allah during times of jihad and he did not strike anyone, neither a child nor a woman.
When someone asked for help, he would always give him what he needed or sometimes if he couldn’t, he would speak kindly to him.
 He was very brave and except Allah, he feared none.   

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